New and Old student web? Which one should I use?

Dear Student,


The student interface of the Neptun study system will be updated during the summer.

Used guides for the new student web interface are available at, and so is a login link at the top of the page.

The eligibility to log in to the new interface is regulated differently by the Faculties, with different starting dates. If you have not yet been informed by your faculty's Registrar’s Office that you are entitled to log in to the new student web, you can only log in to the "old" student web.

If you receive the error message "No access rights based on institutional settings!” when trying to log in to the new interface, select the link to the old student web link:

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It is important to note that the above login buttons have a load balancing link associated with them, so we do not recommend saving Neptun login interfaces as a direct links in your browser’s bookmarks. Always use these links.

If you are experiencing problems with the new student web or the website, please contact the Education Management Office at